0-1 months
It's hard to put into words how hard and wonderful and challenging and amazing the first month of your little lives have been. Adjusting from one kiddo to three has certainly not been easy, but I can't help but feel like the luckiest human alive. You babes are a literal dream come true and I am so grateful I was chosen to be your Mama.
You tiny girls came home with us from the hosptial, requiring zero NICU time, thank goodness! You were born at 36 weeks + 1 day, healthy and so incredibly perfect. I will share your birth story in another blog one of these days!
The first couple of days of being home after you were born were a blurry whirlwind, complete with endless snuggles + lots of dirty diapers. Daddy is home from work for a few weeks, and I feel so grateful for that!
We started your little lives with a few photo sessions. This stage is so special to me and photos offer a way to look back and remember tiny details that have changed over time. And I know just how fast you two will change over the next few months!
We did our best to escape the house as much as possible this month. I had been on bed rest for a huge majority of my pregnancy, so it felt so good to be out of confinement and into the open air with you little ladies and your big bro!
We took as many walks as possible while you two soaked in some sunshine!
Out of all the trips we made this month, taking you two to meet Great Grandma + Pa for the very first time was by far my favorite! They are so special to me and I know you girls will feel the same.
Your big bro is so in love and I know the bond you babes are going to have with him is going to be something special!
This month just flew by and for some reason, I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that there are TWO of you!!
1 t0 2 months
Sweetest Em, the sleep deprivation is real. You and your sister are sleeping in a twin bassinet next to our bed, and while you both are taking turns not sleeping, somehow you manage to sleep through each other's cries. In attempt to keep you both on the same schedule, we are still doing nighttime feedings for you both regardless of the wake culprit.
You love snuggling with your sister, and I'm pretty sure Daddy is your favorite! So many nights, I wake up to Daddy rocking or swaying you back to sleep and it pretty much makes my whole heart melt.
Beckham is absolutely in love, and I think it's the sweetest thing ever to watch him comfort you and your sister. You girls seriously won the big brother jackpot!
This month we celebrated your first Halloween- it was a pretty low-key night with your big bro, Iron Man. We put you little ladies in the stroller, hit the streets and were back home for bedtime within the hour. I had high hopes for planning a family costume, but it just wasn't in the works this year. Get ready though, Halloween in the years to come will so much fun!
We have truly been so busy trying to adjust to being a family of five- we have had many, many hard moments but the love we have for you girlies far outweighs all of that. Getting out of the house these days is a feat of it's own, but we try our best!
We are still living in the "covid days" and only go to outdoor events, so when some sweet friends of ours invited us to a Fall festival, we happily obliged. While it brought a whole new meaning to the word "chaos," we were glad to have added a little bit of normalcy to our days.
We go outside as much as possible, but you little ladies spend the majority of that time sleeping!
2 t0 3 months
Emery girl, you steal our hearts more and more every single day. It's so surreal to think you have only been on this Earth for two months! It feels like you and your sister have been in our lives forever.
We are definitely still in complete survival mode and trying really hard just to get everything done throughout the day- feedings, diaper changes, bath time and everything in between is pretty much a full time job. With your big brother and all of his extra curricular activities and day-to-day care in the mix, Mama and Daddy are spread pretty thin. BUT, we are so undeniably grateful for you three. We just wish we had a little bit more time to stop and enjoy this phase that seems to be flying by quicker than I can handle.
We got to hear your sweet little laugh toward the end of this month- I have been so anxious for that moment, and it was absolutely worth the wait! You are such a daddy's girl, so it comes as no surprise that your first laugh was in his arms.
It's also so incredibly special to watch the bond Beckham is developing with you two. He is such a good big brother- he loves to feed you, cover you when he thinks you may be cold, play next to you, and gives you tons of smooches. One day you will understand how important it is to have a good relationship with your siblings, and I hope that every day your bond grows stronger and stronger. He loves you girls so much and is dreaming of the day when you girls can play with him!
Great Grandma is also very quickly becoming one of your favorite people, and that reminds me so much of Beckham when he was a baby! Although we are not yet going out in public without masks, we do see Great Grandma and Pa weekly. We have been visiting them on a weekly basis since Beckham was a newborn and it's something I am so immensely grateful for. She loves this time with you, and I can honestly say that is very much reciprocated by you three!
Although you girls snoozed through a heavy majority of it, we celebrated your very first Thanksgiving! Mama's side of the family came to our house for a big feast and we spent the next day with Daddy's side of the family (you brought ALL the rolls). ;) All kidding aside, there was most certainly an extra layer of thankfulness this holiday with the addition of the two sweetest babes on this side of town.
3 to 4 months
My sweetest girl, you are getting so big and your personality is starting to grow! This past month, we discovered that songs that sound sad (specifically Ruelle “I Get to Love You”). You are loud as ever, absolutely impatient and demanding, but the most compassionate little soul. I love that so, so much about you.
You absolutely do not ever take "no" for an answer- when you want something, you find a way to get it no matter what it takes. Usually you are wanting to be carried during the busiest times of the day, so in the baby carrier you go! That always calms you down, and I'll have to admit I love the one-on-one time with you.
Bath time is a whole deal around these parts! Beckham loves to help and you especially love to splash water ALL over the place. We are going to have to move you girls into the big tub pretty soon!
And while we are on the subject of bathing: I found the perfect way to get showers in during the day while everyone is safe and sound (big brother is in the closet, watching his iPad). It's a quadruple win in my book!
Tummy time is just not your thing. I don't know if your head is too heavy (haha) or you are just always sleepy around tummy time, but you always lay your head down in defiance like "nope, not today!" Sometimes you even fall asleep and I don't ever object. :)
We sat you girls outside on the back patio for the first time, and you loved it! Beckham blew bubbles for you, and you girls enjoyed soaking in all the new things around you. You especially loved watching Beckham and the dogs run around like crazies. You will be right there with them, and soon!
When I say you love your brother, I mean it. You LOVE Beckham, and he loves you both so, so much. I can't wait to watch your relationships grow over the years- I know you will be the best of friends!
Also.. you are just absolutely scrumptious. I can't get enough of the looks you give, especially your little side-eye! I could eat you up, that's for sure.
We just celebrated your first Christmas, and although you were too little to enjoy the magic of the season, it was one we will never forget! We even went to see Santa, but you little ladies just weren't sure about him.. that will change once you realize he's the one that brings the goods!
We celebrated the holiday with Mama's side of the family a little early in Broken Bow. It was a great weekend but Mama and Daddy were absolutely exhausted at the end! You little ladies got some snuggles in, and some good cousin time too. (Also, I will never get over the cuteness that is you two in your bear outfits!!)
We spent Christmas Eve with Great Grandma and Pa- they sure adore the heck out of you three! You were exhausted of all the picture-taking though, and snoozed away on Great Grandma's lap. I assure you she didn't mind one bit. ;)
We came home after Christmas Eve with Great Grandma and Pa and did our annual Christmas Cookie Decorating Contest. Beckham won per the usual, but next year it's fair game for you babes (although I suspect there will be loads of sprinkles covering the floor)!
We had plans to spend Christmas Day with the Le family, but a few people tested positive for covid, so the gathering was cancelled. We were super bummed, but ended up having a great day at home to celebrate your first Christmas as a family!
I will never get over how adorable you two were as Santa babies. THE cutest.
And of course, the holiday meant another photoshoot in the books- I promise, there will be a lot of these in your very near future. Ha! Documenting in that way is something super special and important to me, and my hope is that you guys will love looking back on how you changed throughout the years.
Sweet girl, you and your sister are growing way too fast and changing so much every single day! I didn't think it was possible, but I truly love you babes more and more every day.
4 to 5 months
My Em. You are just the sweetest little soul. You are so, so sensitive, and we love that so much about you. Your little bottom lip comes out when you want to be held, soon followed by the most genuine, softest baby cry you ever did hear. It’s heartbreaking but also so incredibly sweet! Daddy said last night, “Okay, I’ll buy you a car; whatever you want, you can have it," and I certainly do believe that. You most definitely have him wrapped around your little finger, sweet girl.
You are our little empath and you cry when others around you appear to be sad.. ESPECIALLY when you hear Parker cry. Sweet sister girl, you are tiny but your heart is big!
We got to hear your adorable laugh this past month and I pretty much live for it! Your first laugh was kudos to daddy; he definitely makes you laugh the most! We caught it on video and I can’t even count the number of times I’ve watched it. Your squinty-eyed-dimpled-cheek smile is a frequent occurrence, and it’s so contagious. The way you wiggle your head and turn it to the side when you get excited is so stinkin’ cute. We especially love the way you play with your hands— I will have to get a video of that because it’s something I never, ever want to forget. You are ALWAYS playing with your hands!
You tried baby food for the first time this month! We started with pears- you weren't sure about it at first, but you quickly learned that food is life and the rest was history! You are definitely our champ when it comes to eating. Girlfriend, you never want to miss a meal for anything! Solidarity, sister. Your rolls are coming through strong, and they are EVERYTHING.
You are a pretty content baby as long as you have been fed, but tummy time is still definitely not your thing. You are a pretty good sleeper for the most part (although you and Parker seem to flip-flop in that regard). We are working toward developing a more consistent nap time routine as opposed to frequent, small "power naps" throughout the day. We have slowly started incorporating naps in your cribs, which is probably the cutest thing ever. I love watching your tiny little body stretch out in such a big space!
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Bruce bought you the sweetest little piggies for Christmas, and you both have truly fallen in love with them! We take them everywhere and I just cannot get over how adorable it is.
You LOVE rubbing your face against anything and everything when you are sleepy- most of the time, it's your piggy or a lovey, but if neither of those are within reach, a burp cloth will do. You are so precious.
In true Texas fashion, the weather can't seem to make up it's mind: some days are beautiful and we spend a lot of time outside, and other days it's sleeting/ snowing and we camp out by the fireplace.
Speaking of weather, you and Parker got to experience your first snow! Beckham and Daddy spent a lot of time outside playing in it, while us ladies stayed warm and cozy inside. We did bundle you both up for a quick picture, but promptly headed back inside for some snuggles next to the fire.
You and your sister keep all of us so, so busy. Life is absolute chaos right now, but the love you and Parker have added to our lives is immeasurable. We love you to infinity, sweet Em.
5 to 6 months
This month was quite the adventure for our little family! We started the month by celebrating Beckham's 5th birthday- it was the longest day for you two, but you both did surprisingly well (especially where snacks were involved). Soon you two will be ruling the arcades right next to your big bro, and I cannot wait! We did let you celebrate with the tiniest bite of icing though, so at least there's that. ;)
The following weekend, we celebrated your cousin, Brinley's 10th birthday! It was our first time being anywhere outside of our home without masks and covering you little ladies with your carseat canopy. We let our guard down and tried to focus more on enjoying ourselves than worrying about covid. It was a great time and you girls were loved on as expected.
A few days later, we discovered that someone at the party had covid and we ended up coming down with it shortly after. It was definitely a pretty rough week or two for our little family, but you girls did pretty well, considering. Lots of sleep, snuggles, and even some time outside to get us through it!
In hindsight, we were grateful to have gone through it (knowing the outcome, of course), because it made us much less afraid to spend time with the people we love. And you, sweet girl, have a lot of people who love you and want to get to know you!
Between all the craziness, we celebrated your first Valentines Day, which just so happens to be the day you AND your sister both found your toes! Although you are still too little to really enjoy any of the festivities, we took all the pictures and gave you extra smooches anyway. ;)
I couldn't pass up the opportunity for family pictures to document your first Valentines Day! Daddy is definitely thrilled for more photoshoots..
This month, you rolled from your front to your back, and later decided to roll from your back to your front in the bassinet! The latter meant you are now too big for your bassinet, so cue the tears from Mama! This new skill of yours prompted us to start shifting toward letting you ladies sleep in your own bedroom. Stop growing up so fast, okay!?
Your personality is blossoming every single day and I just love watching you interact with us all. You are sweet but DEFINITELY know what you want (and are quite impatient about it, too). You are impulsive, shy, and mostly independent. You have been such a daddy's girl from day one and I love that so much about you- you often bury your head into his chest and I know it melts his whole heart. You have us all wrapped around your finger and absolutely could not imagine life without you.
Happy SIX months, our beautiful baby girl!
I love you so much!