Last weekend, we went “glamping” in Oklahoma with (most of) the Le family. My mom used to take my brother’s and I “true” camping when we were kids, complete with tents, hammocks, no AC, and all the bug spray you could find. I’ve gone “true” camping once in my adult life, but I definitely was not made aware of this before the fact– I ended up packing my blow dryer, curling iron, and cell phone charger. Come to find out there was not even a bathroom…. Glamping is definitely more my style. Other than Beckham being a complete HANDFUL to say the least, we had SO much fun!
Saturday morning, Robert’s sister researched a beautiful spot to hike– we almost stayed behind so Beckham could get in a MUCH needed nap, but with 10 minutes to spare, we got ready and headed out the door with the crew. I’m so happy we did! The scenery was truly breathtaking, and this ended up being my favorite part of the trip. I carried Beckham in the baby carrier the entire time– he got his nap and I got a good workout. Win-win.

My little social butterfly (insert sarcasm emoji here) would hardly let anyone hold him the entire weekend.. he held onto Robert and I for dear life the.entire.time. Teething has made for a rough couple of weeks for our little babe. He did manage to get a few quick minutes of snuggles with his Aunt Thuy (Cô) and Uncle Tuan. Whew!

We had a few dance parties, sat around by the campfire and got serenaded by Suzanne The Karaoke Queen, made s’mores (and some of the Le crew roasted dried squid), played pool, had a hot tub party, and ate…. a lot. Anytime spent with the Le fam is a good time and we can’t wait to come back and do it all over again with a complete family next year!

^I mean, that’s a good lookin’ group if I may say so myself. 😉